Digital Disruption

Digital Disruption, Business Model and Communication

Digital technologies are bringing revolutionary changes to the business. It’s not only in the process of changing the way we communicate but also reshaping our business model. Disruptive innovation indicates how it is playing a key role in change. It refers to the innovations and technologies that help costly and sophisticated products and services to…

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Global blockchain technologies

Trends of Global Blockchain Technologies 2021

Blockchain was originally invented as a decentralized ledger for cryptocurrency Bitcoin transactions within the Bitcoin network. The distributed or decentralized ledger/database means a storage device where the ledger is located and is not linked to the common processor. It contains the ever-growing chain of transactions in the form of blocks. Blockchain, the name itself says…

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Woocommerce Vs Magento

Woocommerce Vs Magento: Which is ideal for your business?

Creating and running an online eCommerce store is equally simple as well as challenging. Developing and running an attractive online store is simply because there is the availability of several e-commerce platforms like Woocommerce, Magento, etc.  Then, it’s challenging because the standard of an eCommerce website’s design and development along with its functionality plays a…

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The Internet of Things refers to

Internet of Things Applications

The Internet of Things is a buzzword these days and it symbolizes the expansion of technology and has enabled human beings to develop connections and swap data via many electronic devices. The Internet of Things refers to everything that is connected to the web. What are Internet of Things applications? Any device that is connected…

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Digital Transformations and Business Communications

Digital Transformations and Business Communications

Digital transformation is not only important for short-term growth and better market share but it ensures long-term stability and relevancy. Digital ecosystems and Digital platforms are driving efficiency through advanced and unusual collaborations and bring better valuation for businesses and customers. Do you know what is Digital Transformations and its utility in the highly competitive…

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YouTube video Ads

Why is YouTube Video Ads So Useful?

YouTube Video Ads!       The fastest and easiest way of getting qualified traffic is the traffic that will actually convert into leads customers. What will you do? Paid Advertising! No doubt YouTube video Ads are the cheapest paid advertising available nowadays. Does it mean other paid advertising means like   Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. are substandard?…

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how to make money on YouTube

Top 6 ways to make money on YouTube

How to make money on YouTube? Do you how to make money on YouTube? Yes, earning millions online can be possible. Though earning money on YouTube was not easy earlier, now it’s very much realistic. If you have a strong subscriber base, then you can make money on YouTube easily and quickly through online videos…

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