Facebook for business

Likes on Facebook help Businesses

Social Media, Facebook Likes, and Business Social media is a powerful tool for the promotion of businesses of all sizes to reach their target audience and target customers.  Today, the majority of the customers are interacting with brands through social media if the brands and businesses are directly connected to your audience through social platforms…

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Dragonfly: China’s Censored Search Engine?

China’s Censored Search Engine Imagine a search engine that is “Censored” or “Censored Search Engine”!What does it mean and for whom? Yes, Google is working on a secret project, being internally termed “Dragonfly” of developing a censored search engine or censored search tool for China. What’s Dragonfly? Internet Censorship in China is the most widespread…

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How to know if a website is credible

What is Website Credibility? What’s the most crucial factor in getting more website visitors? That’s “Credibility” or “Website Credibility”. Website credibility is the factor in generating more leads or creating more traffic or selling more products or services. Then, what’s website credibility? Or how to know if a website is credible? What are the factors…

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