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Growth of Cryptocurrency

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has continued to be a buzzword for the last few years but its popularity tremendously in the last 2-3 years. Earlier, crypto investment was solely considered as an alternative investment opportunity. Now, it is being treated as a viable investment portfolio even in retirement plans.  Here, we will discuss the growth of blockchain and…

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WordPress Security

WordPress Security Best Practices

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS). It’s the most popular and easiest tool for people who have no knowledge of coding intended to create websites and blogs. This software is free and anybody can install, use and modify it for free. Currently, WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system that powers…

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OnePlus 10T 5G – Superior Quality and Fast Performance

The OnePlus 10T 5G is a well-balanced premium smartphone. It offers excellent display quality, powerful performance, and lightning-fast loading speed. You will be surely impressed with the performance of the main camera on the back of the phone. The phone is characterized by qualities like great display quality, smooth & fast performance, exceptional fast wired…

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work from home (wfh)

WFH, Cost-Cutting and Mental Health

Work from Home (WFH) has emerged as an efficient tool for corporate cost-cutting (cost–saving) and finding employee replacement (substitute). Get an analysis of work from home (WFH), Cost-Cutting, and Mental Health! In reality, working from home provides companies with huge cost savings but little in return for their employees. There are many aspects to this work…

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Celebrities and Losing Virginity

Celebrities and Losing Virginity

Over the years, so many celebrities have revealed in interviews the age at which they first had sex or celebrities and losing virginity. Hollywood stars such as Angelina Jolie, Kim Kardashian, and Sarah Silverman are very straightforward about their first sex. In some cases, they even revealed the name of their first partner. Many of…

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Digital Transformation Branding

Digital Transformation Branding

Branding continues to be a tricky subject since the advent of brand-name goods. When it comes to branding, is not only an art but also a science that is a technique to understand the mercurial moods of the purchasing public. Being in an age of a digital marketplace and an ever-connecting world population, there are…

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Ayurveda Altos Revive Capsule

Hollywood Divas and Ayurveda

Isabel Lucas, a well-known Hollywood actress of Australian origin came to India to treat her physical and mental fatigue through Ayurveda. Isabel Lucas has acted in over 22 Hollywood movies and was unwell mentally and physically due to a busy work schedule, bodily strain due to hard work and stunts, and hectic traveling to faraway…

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Blockchain Internet of Things

Blockchain Internet of Things

The Internet has turned into a vital component of our lives. It’s linked to every single aspect of human life starting from occupational, communication, educational, financial to recreational activities. The Internet is an important component of the modern lifestyle. It’s hard to comprehend our lives without it. More so, the global pandemic has forced the…

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Web 3.0

Web 3.0: Next Generation Internet!

Can you imagine life without the internet these days? Yes, the Internet has become a critical component of everyday life. The outbreak of the global pandemic has forced human society to have a greater dependency on the online world. Our occupational, educational, financial, communicative, and recreational activities are all governed and controlled by the Internet….

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