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Blockchain Internet of Things

Blockchain Internet of Things

The Internet has turned into a vital component of our lives. It’s linked to every single aspect of human life starting from occupational, communication, educational, financial to recreational activities. The Internet is an important component of the modern lifestyle. It’s hard to comprehend our lives without it. More so, the global pandemic has forced the…

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Web 3.0

Web 3.0: Next Generation Internet!

Can you imagine life without the internet these days? Yes, the Internet has become a critical component of everyday life. The outbreak of the global pandemic has forced human society to have a greater dependency on the online world. Our occupational, educational, financial, communicative, and recreational activities are all governed and controlled by the Internet….

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Content Marketing 2022 Trends

10 essential content marketing 2022 trends

Content is King and so does Content Marketing. What is content marketing and why there is so much buzz around content marketing these days? Content is immensely important these days because Google is putting heavy emphasis on content. Content marketing is a powerful tool in the digital age to connect to your targeted customer. Content…

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Cryptocurrency trading

Cryptocurrency Trading, Blockchain and Apprehensions

The Indian government has decided to bring a bill in the parliament that will ban most crypto-currencies in India. This ban will apply to all private crypto-currencies baring few. But it continues to allow the technologies associated with it and its use.  The bill also includes the creation of an official digital currency by the…

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B2B data driven marketing

Why and How B2B data driven marketing

Marketers need precise and actionable marketing data for conducting data-driven marketing. Data-driven businesses make their decisions using data & analytics.  If you use data to bring the desired results that your organization requires, then the decisions that guide you to achieve those results will use customer data rather than gut feeling. Here, we will discuss…

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Digital Disruption

Digital Disruption, Business Model and Communication

Digital technologies are bringing revolutionary changes to the business. It’s not only in the process of changing the way we communicate but also reshaping our business model. Disruptive innovation indicates how it is playing a key role in change. It refers to the innovations and technologies that help costly and sophisticated products and services to…

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Global blockchain technologies

Trends of Global Blockchain Technologies 2021

Blockchain was originally invented as a decentralized ledger for cryptocurrency Bitcoin transactions within the Bitcoin network. The distributed or decentralized ledger/database means a storage device where the ledger is located and is not linked to the common processor. It contains the ever-growing chain of transactions in the form of blocks. Blockchain, the name itself says…

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Tantric sex practices

Tantric Sex Practices: Delay Climax and Strengthen Orgasm

When you hear the term “tantric sex”, what is the first thing coming to your mind?  Many couples, specifically men think deeply about this, they don’t have any idea what it is.  Some couples imagine that this is a physical process where both the partners gaze deeply into each other’s eyes and slowly and slowly…

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Best OTT platforms

Know the Best OTT platforms in India

The global outbreak of the Corona pandemic has its toll on many industries. However, one industry that showed tremendous growth is OTT platforms. The pandemic outbreak has been a blessing in disguise for OTT mediums. When other industries struggle to stand independently, OTT platforms showed a remarkable spread. OTT platforms played a huge role in…

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