Almost all aspects of life around the world have been brought to a halt by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. But it has taught us some new ways of fighting and managing the situations arising out of its outbreak.  What are the most useful technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic? Indeed, technology can’t prevent the…

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Changing Face of Education during Covid19

Changing Face of Education during Covid19

The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has brought a change in almost all aspects of our day-to-day life, including the education, learning, and teaching patterns forever. There is a profound changing face of education during Covid19. The traditional way of teaching or classroom learning has become a makeover with the adoption of e-learning methods or through online…

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Coronavirus outbreak

Coronavirus Outbreak: World Suffers from Made-In-China Pandemic

Coronavirus Outbreak: Locked Down for Chinese Sin! Coronavirus Outbreak or Covid19 Outbreak! Coronavirus Pandemic or Coronavirus Epidemic or Made-In-China Pandemic! The world has become sick of this deadliest virus and disease. The entire world is completely shocked and felt helpless before this disease. Innumerable human lives are being lost every day since the first death…

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YouTube video Ads

Why is YouTube Video Ads So Useful?

YouTube Video Ads!       The fastest and easiest way of getting qualified traffic is the traffic that will actually convert into leads customers. What will you do? Paid Advertising! No doubt YouTube video Ads are the cheapest paid advertising available nowadays. Does it mean other paid advertising means like   Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. are substandard?…

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